Wednesday, May 12, 2010


If I had my camera on the ready at all times this post could consist of probably 100 pictures by now - Mexican Ketchup, massive pig legs, with some hair still on it etc. Unfortunately that has not been the case, here are a few of the highlights.

Frozen pepperoni pizza from the store - its not DiGiorno

Lemon Lime Gatorade - its not the right color, taste is close - just take my word for it.

Finally, a few hours ago Kyle and I were bored out of our minds, so we decided to head to the store. On our way back after buying chips, juice, and meatballs we found a store that was selling just fruits and vegetables. Realizing that out diets were lacking some essential components we popped in (not off) to pick up some apples and bananas. As I was checking out I noticed a big basket of cherries being sold next to the register. Up to that point I had never eaten a cherry so I figured it was time to cross something off my bucket list. I grabbed on cherry and placed it in front of the cashier who laughed at me and just handed it to me instead of weighing it (freebee). This is her.


  1. He ate the whole stem too. He's also never eaten a pear.

  2. That is actually true, I dont think I have ever eaten a pear, unless it was when I was really young. I think about that every time I see the road trip episode of It's Always Sunny.
