Monday, July 12, 2010

The Biggest Party in the World

Well guys and gals, Spain won the World Cup and I can safely say Kyle and I were at the biggest party in the world last night. But lets back track an extra day to let you know whats been going on.

I have no idea why but my short term memory is totally fucked. As a result I will give you a few highlights. On Saturday kyle was hosting a pub crawl with one of our buddies Alex. I tagged along to get drunk and meet some random people. I had heard stories that if you go on those as a host/just take tourists out with you then they buy you drinks. This proved to be very true. I was sitting in the bar and within 10 minutes people were coming up to me to talk. For some reason people are very impressed/envious if you tell them you are just living in BCN. This envy resulted in me being bought about 4 tequila shots at the first bar. Ill sum up the night by saying I had a good time and got wasted. It was our buddy Ben's birthday and we all went out after the pub crawl was done around 2. I went into survival mode around 4. Saturday night done and done.

I woke up Sunday morning in my flatmate Silje's (pronounced Celia) room. She is dating this dude and spends most nights there so Kyle and I have been alternating sleeping in her room since its nicer than both of ours and has a breeze which is incredible when you have no AC. Anyway, it was about 4PM and I woke up pretty hung over to an icing. My other flatmate Armanda decided it would be a good way for me to start the day.

Kyle and I both felt like shit from the night before but we had to get it together for the World Cup Finals. We finished a bottle of Loch Ness whiskey. Its bottom shelf - 5 euro whiskey. After that we headed down to Plaza Espana to watch the World Cup on a screen outside. Again we met up with our buddy Alex and a few of his flatmates. It was at this point that we joined the biggest party in the world. After 90 minutes of regulation play and 30 of OT Spain finally won the World Cup. I really cant even explain how loud and crazy it was. I jumped in a fountain fully clothed with a ton of other people and we just generally celebrated in Pl. Espana for a while. After about an hour the crowd started to descend on the rest of the city. We hit a few bars on the way to the beach and kept our drunk up. One of the bars was a gay bar so there was an interesting crew in there. Meanwhile I'm popped off since my clothes are soaking wet, and frankly I take every opportunity I get to pop my shirt off in public.

Long story short I jumped in another fountain in Pl. Catalunya, I was the only one who did that and frankly it was gross and I'm surprised I did not get arrested. Slowly buy surly we made our way to the beach hung out there for a bit and embraced the last few hours of the celebration. It was an epic night. I can't believe we were here for it.

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