Monday, April 26, 2010

First Weekend Done & Done

Yes this is human foosball and yes the little kid in the green just got blasted in the face by the ball.

I will highlight some of the finer points of the weekend. We went out for drinks pretty much right when we got out of class around 1:00. Friday was Diada de Sant Jordi here in Spain - celebrated by guys giving girls roses, and girls giving guys books. This added a interesting vibe to the streets. After lunch and a bit of a walk we met up with some other friends from class. This time at a gay bar.

I think I speak for both kyle and I when I say we were pretty taken aback at what the bathroom held for us. The urinal was comparable with one you would find at a football stadium - a long metal trough basically. This particular trough-urinal was modified with an angled mirror that was about chest high. What made this mirror different from other mirrors you may find in a bathroom, is that this mirror was a. chest high over a urinal and b. angled back down at your junk. Anyway as the night pressed on Kyle and I headed back to our house to drop off our bags and get changed (probably about 8:00pm).

The plan was to eat change and head out, we somehow ended up sleeping for two hours and then not actually heading back out till about 11. The night was fun but not too notable from then on out, we went to a few different bars with some friends, then ran to catch the metro which closed at 2:00am. Sadly we missed it and had to cab it home.

Saturday was solid, we walked for about 10 miles all over the city with some classmates - a beautiful day. Since the bars and metros are open all night, we did not go out till about 12:00. We started at a random bar where 3 of us split a huge liquor drink and chilled out. Then we floated around to a few different bars where some bro from Amsterdam kept trying to buy coke off of us - not sure why. Finally around 2 we wondered into a pretty cool looking bar and proceeded to black out.

One of the bartenders at this particular bar happened to be pretty interested in our friend Kyle. As a result our male bartender started to pour us free shots of Patrone. As the drinks kept flowing, and our bartender got more and more boned up over kyle (occasionally flashing him a wink - earning us free shots), the inevitable black out was fast approaching. At some point I found myself in a ¨conversation¨ with a young Spanish lady. Considering my Catalan (language spoken in Barcelona) is limited to numbers, and a select few breakfast items, I´m guessing I was just counting at this girl and maybe saying; egg, coffee, milk etc. Clearly this conversation did not progress.

At this point it was about 4:00AM and we were both fully blacked out. From what our classmates have told us, we took a cab to one of the girls places to drop her off, then we walked to the metro. We are both pretty certain that I was passing out on the metro and that I ran home from the metro. Either way we did not get home till about 5:30AM.

Sunday was spent in a borderline comatose state. I think each of us spent about an hour out of bed before 7:00pm (that hour was used for a food run).

Pics soon.


  1. While, on the surface, it seems Kyle is the cause of the free shots, I would actually say Steines is, as a very similar situation occurred to Dave and I last summer (Chucktown Tavern). At some point it stops being a coincidence.

  2. Give credit where credits due Greg. Obviously my body was sculpted by the Gods to the proportions of Michelangelo´s David, no one is debating that. But in this instance Kyle walked in and turned the charm up to dangerous levels.

    Also, if all it takes for us to get free drinks is Kyle turning up the charm or you and I arguing incoherently and me poppin´my shirt off I´m surprised we don´t get free drinks more often - primarily due to the latter.
