Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's a Tuesday

This morning is bringing back memories of a certain Dinks waitress who had so much unmasked disdain for me that it hurt. Just to bring everyone up to speed; a few years ago - I believe it was - Chaney, Greg, Kyle & I got wasted on a mixture of Brandy, natty and probably something else. This was on a Monday night. Tuesday morning we went to Dinks for breakfast and when the waitress asked how we were doing i replied "A little hungover" to which she said "It's a Tuesday" and walked away.

Today marked another Tuesday morning hangover after a Monday night binge. It is now 3:42PM and I have essentially not gotten out of bed yet today. Last night the plan was to go to La Champagneria with two of our flat-mates for some dinner and drinks. La Champagneria is a hole-in-the-wall bar where they serve really cheap, but good, cava (champagne from Catalonia) and you have to buy tapas for every few glasses you get. The sandwiches and Cava are excellent. It's standing room only and you have to yell your order at the bartender. It's pretty cool but we didn't go there at the best time as it was way too crowded. That was supposed to be the plan for the night, go there and come home.

Well one glass lead to another and when the bar closed at 10:30PM (its more of a restaurant) we decided to go to Chupitos and rip shots. They have hundreds of shots you can choose from most of them involve fire, you being dressed in some costume etc.etc. etc. One of the shots we took involved drinking some kind of green alcohol that sat in a pool of more alcohol through a straw, then the bartender would shove a glass in your face and you would basically huff vaporized alcohol. It was an intense experience. After 3 shots, and a lot of fun, we decided to keep things going.

We went to a few random pubs for a beer or a shot and finally we were going to go to a club but kyle and I were not meeting the dress code. At this point we tried to walk home which should have been a simple enough task. Somehow we did a massive loop around the city and ended up literally right back where we started and hour and a half earlier.

At this point we met back up with our flat-mates and decided to bus it home. The metro had closed around midnight but there was a bus system than ran all night. Anyway, only one of us made it on the bus, surprisingly enough it was not kyle or I.. At this point we wondered around the city for a few more hours met some random dudes from the US and somehow got into some heavy discussions about politics, religion etc. All the while we are buying individual beers off dudes on the street. Now its about 4:30ish and we part ways.

Finally we are on our way home again. We walked by a metro station and realized that they open at 5:00AM, so we waited the 5 minutes. En Route back to our place Kyle and our other flat mate Sebastian decide they are going to go get some McDonalds. I was not up for it so they got off the metro to find some food (unsuccessfully) and I came home to pass out. Kyle and Sebastian made it back at some point after me and I guess called it a night. Oddly enough when kyle woke up this morning he had 42 missed calls from Sebastian. 42. I tried to take a picture of his phone but it did not come out. The night started innocently enough but things definitely got out of hand.

***Update*** Apparently last night Sebastian realized he had lost his keys after him and kyle went to get food. He went back to be beach at sometime between 5AM and 6AM to look for them. He did not find them and was locked out hence the 42 calls to kyle.

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