Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pre-Gaming Like Bastards

As you all know, drinks in any city are way over priced. Factor in the exchange rate, and the additional club surcharge on drinks, and you get the idea. With that in mind Kyle and I have been pre-gaming like bastards.

The liquor selection is pretty standard, and on a typical Friday & Saturday we go down that road. So far it has been what you would expect; either J&B, Johnny Red, Jägermeister (we live with Germans and they love it), and occasionally some sort of vodka. Kyle & I have gotten blacked out a few too many times already. These blackouts include mixing liquor, beer, & wine/champagne (sometimes) and I have yet to wake up hungover.

I cant really make sense of this. From what I have been told, the wine and beer does not have preservatives in them, but I didn't think liquor had any in it anyway. Whatever the reason, it's nice not being hungover.

Champagne is called Cava here, since, as all you world travelers know, it's technically only Champagne when its from Champagne, France. Anyway, we have not had too much of that but apparently a lot of people party with just Cava...

Beer. The beer selection is rather strange. Spain is not known for its beer which is probably why the selection is lacking and sub-par. Everywhere has Estrella, which from what I can gather is like miller lite. Other than that its anyones guess. Each supermarket has their own beer, some are ok, most are mediocre. Also, beer comes in 10.5oz cans but the alcohol is always 5+%. We have only found 12oz Amstel's and they are the cheapest in the store. Oddly enough you see people drinking all day every day, mainly beer too...

That brings me to my next point. They dont understand buying in bulk here. They package beer, water, pop, everything much like you would see in the U.S. The only difference is you can tear open packages and buy individual cans. This very act got myself and a few others banned from Giant Eagle for life cerca 8th grade. The point is, you can buy the whole package, 12 beers and they charge you as if you are buying 12 individual beers. There is zero price break. I could buy all the beer in the store and not see 1 cent of price relief. Its unreal. This picture represents the closest thing to functional capitalism and commerce in this country (and their pricing system is still totally fucked)

I could rant for hours about the inefficiencies in the Spanish economy, infrastructure, work ethic, and their lack of desire to engage in commerce. It really is no wonder they are pegged to be the next Greece. Spend one week here and you will have no doubt. But I digress, back to the point. All stores and markets are open strange hours and technically you cannot buy alcohol after 10pm - period. This rule of course means nothing if you find the right shops. The right shops are generally convenient store type places owned and operated by Pakistani guys.

Once the alcohol is secured We are generally partying at our flat till sometime between 1 & 2 then going to a club, bar or the beach. The beach is awesome and if any of you come to visit we will have a beach party.

Just a couple of bro's happy to be there...

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