Friday, June 25, 2010

Mike is Back

I can only assume that this is the one year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death. I think in terms of honoring the man Greg, Pat & myself set the bar pretty high. However today I saw some people taking a shot at the title.

Right now its about 10:45 on Friday night and I am admittedly being lame and not going out. I was in Plaza Catalunya less that 20 minutes ago reading a book about the founding fathers (I'm a patriot) when i noticed a large gathering in the center of the plaza. Normally I just avoid these things because its either political demonstrations and I would probably not agree with whatever communist propaganda they are promoting or some tour group. Anyway, as I sat and read the group broke out into a rendition of "We are the world." They were not just singing but swaying and clapping as well. I ignored this at first then they started singing again so I got up and walked over.

In the middle of the plaza, probably 15x15 feet there were posters of Mike arranged on the ground with candles all over the place. This collage was being flanked on all sides by maybe 50-80 people, many of whom were dressed, in some way, like Mike. I saw lots of silver gloves, the hat he always more, etc. I watched on for a while while these people sang and got into in before finally leaving. I wish I had my camera, but no such luck.

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