Thursday, June 10, 2010

Smartest Guys in the Room

Thats right, we're the smartest guys in the room. Last night we went to our first quiz night. It was supposed to start "between 21:30 & 22:00. Per usual it did not start till closer to 23:00. Anyway you could have as many as 8 people on your team, which most people did, we went with a solid foursome tho. 1 American (Me) 1 American/Brit hybrid (Kyle) & 2 Brits (Adam & Pete - bros we play futbol with).

While we were waiting for this game to get underway they MC walked around and passed out the paper you answer the questions on. Our piece of paper was some girls resume who had applied for a job at their bar. Naturally our team name was "Give Anais a Job". Apparently this was good karma for us because after the 4 round quiz we were in first place. But it was not over yet. Another team somehow managed to get on our level. At this point we went to sudden death. We had to nominate one member of our team to go up to the front of the bar and face off against someone from the other team. You always gotta play your hybrid out of the rough so we sent young sully in there.

Question: "At its deepest point, how deep is the Pacific Ocean in feet?" (closest answer wins)

Our boy Kyle wrote in his answer 33,000 feet. The other bro we think put something below 15,000 feet. Anyway the answer was thirty five thousand feet and change. As soon as the quiz master read the answer Kyles hands went up in the air like a champ, not even knowing what the other dude had written yet. Naturally our team went nuts and started screaming. Luckily for us it was not even close because that could have been embarrassing. Nevertheless we won a 125 eruo bar tab.

With this sudden windfall of cash (the only money we have made thus far) we started buying rounds. For some reason we were chugging them and drinking pints through straws. I cant really make sense of it now but it was happening. Anyway, we were on a huge high from winning our first tango with quiz night that we decided to keep the party going. We left the quiz bar and went to an absinthe bar in El Ravel (mentioned in an earlier post - sketchy as hell). Not the smartest move since it was now around 1:30. Anyway we got there alive and started drinking Absinthe. I had never had it before and we all ended up getting pretty fucked up. Kyle was asking the bartender if he knew what a flaming Dr. pepper was, he didn't so Kyle explained. Then the bartender called him a pussy and said you burn away all the alcohol that way....

Anyway we left the bar and went home at this point. Around 3:00. Of course at some time between 21:30 & 3:00 our landlord changed the locks on our door. GREAT! I cant even begin to understand that move. Anyway we pounded on our door until someone woke up to let us in. Not only did one of our flatmates wake up, but the crazy bitch across the hall did too. She is some senile old woman who literally just spends hours a day Screaming. I will record it sometime because its horrifying and it wakes me up at like 7:00 many a morning. Anyway Kyle and I started screaming at her while we were locked in the hall way to "SHUT THE FUCK UP". Finally we got let it and passed out. about 5 hours later the old bitch started up again. I was on minimal sleep and at that point had to get up for work. I decided to start today the same way I ended yesterday, by screaming out my window at this woman to shut up. All in all an excellent night.

*No pictures from last night, just some random ones*


  1. You're my number one neighbor deterrent.

  2. 1. is that what were calling soccer now? i mean, even that spelling? awful.

    2. just how would you pronounce Anais' name and NOT sound like your talking about something dirty?

  3. Sounds like a good night. I can just hear Sully yelling that at her...I've heard it before
